RHCP - Snow, piano cover
Officially, my winter brake started 3 days ago, and i did nothing except laying and resting my soul. But that's about to change.
Also, the winter has come along with the winter holiday, with temperatures of -10°C (14°F), a good reason to stay in warm beds, but the beer is waiting and we all must accomplish our primary mission - to drink it.
I feel like I've improved my piano skills, my fingers are faster (:D) so I can play more complexer songs and melodies. Also, I'm exploring the possibilities of my keyboard, it has very large amount of options and modes which will help me in my further playing. I'm looking forward to the next summer when Feky returns and we (hopefully) make a band.
That's about it, i wish you all who were celebrating Christmas on 25th December a merry Christmas, with a little delay.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Snow, winter is here
Posted by Sulle at 3:52 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Mixer/amp magic
I have figured out what can my amp do (hopefully), it has various effects from flange to chorus and speedy echo, which gives a nice sound to your voice.
It's not good for quality recording, but it's good for concerts and good for home use. I haven't played much these days (i haven't played at all), cuz i have lots of learning for school and driving school, i have a test on Thursday and i'll get a licence for driving big bikes (hopefully ;x) and later for cars. It sux here that you have to be 18yrs to drive a car, but that's near and i just have to wait now. I will need it if Feky and I actually start a band, i'll drive in late nights. ^^
Nice ballad:
The Beatles - Yesterday, piano cover by me.
Posted by Sulle at 8:28 PM 1 comments
Category: music
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Music studio
I made a mini music studio in my room. My father was a musician, so he gave me his mixer/amp and i connected my keyboard and mic with the computer. Now i can record my singing and playing.
I'm really happy now, cuz i wanted this for so long, and i hope it will affect on me to improve my playing.
I recorded some lame rockabilly freestyle for testing: ttttt.mp3
This blog was primary made for IT news, but now i'll post about music as much as i can.
Posted by Sulle at 7:32 PM 2 comments
Category: music
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Big + Bang = Serbia
In CERN, they're starting largest particle accelerator - LHC. Nice.
We were talking at civil education class about politics, civil rights and power.
It was okay, professor is not much older than us, but he knows some bad things about Serbian politics, how are they covering up screw ups of many factories (filling air with poisonous smoke, trashing toxic into the rivers).
Also, geography professor was talking about shitty Serbian roads, expensive highway taxes, that most of the foreign transporters go through Romania and Bulgaria (400 km longer trip) to pass the Balkans, instead through Serbia.
We're like the worst organised country in the world, our government sux. There's no jobs, no money and no happiness for plenty of Serbs. It's good only in big cities, but in small ones or villages there's nothing. I consider Serbs are well educated and smart people (well, the population till territory of Kragujevac), but the wars in 90's doomed us.
We learn heavy stuff in "middle" and high school while in other Western countries people learn pure basics until they get to the university.
So, i can't get it, that in country full of clever people, Serbia's struggling to survive. But it wasn't easy for us, just in 20th century there were bunch of shit (the Balkan wars, I and II world war, communism, 90's wars, NATO bombarding, losing Kosovo), and i hope it would be better one day.
Great thing about Serbia is that people are relaxed, funny and joy, in bad times are always happy and in the mood for a nice chat with a bottle of beer in their hands :)
Geek test. I took it, i'm 17.357% geek, or a Total Geek.
Posted by Sulle at 4:15 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Human stupidity
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."
Albert Einstein
One of the greatest minds in history said this, and i agree (for human dumbness).
Today on philosophy/logic class we learned about philosophy itself, that it deal with unreal and real things, about human conclusion or thinking. We glorify maniacs like Aristotle, Plato, Heraclitus just because they were living long time ago and were the first who thought not just about getting drunk or laid, yet about universe, metaphysics, etc. They were bright men, but they were just talking bullshit about stuff they don't really know nothing about. Not that i don't agree with anything they concluded, i do, some of their words were just obvious and they just said them first and became famous.
Also, i don't like when people talk about unproved things, for example: planet is going to vanish in zillion years, universe is expanding (though it's infinite, how can it expand then if it doesn't have an end!?), four horsemen of the apocalypse will kill us all, yeah right.
And what's with the 'what is the author trying to say' thing? Just write the damn thought as it is, metaphors were always unpopular.
But who am i to judge, i'm just a 17-year old kid.
And look at this shit.
Posted by Sulle at 3:59 PM 1 comments
Category: life
Sunday, September 7, 2008
World is getting dumber every single day, when i say world i mean mass of people who are retarded in a some way.
Kids nowadays don't have life, childhood. They sit in front of a screen all day or acting like adults. Not just kids, they will grow up, but i can't realize how are some people brains functioning.
For example - computer or game addicts. I play a game online when i'm bored, and there are bunch of kids playing all day, worrying only about how they rank, pissing of and telling older people (like me) to fuck themselves, and some words which can't be translated. They're like 10-14 years old.
I saw a video on the internet - a girl fucking with her boyfriend's friend behind him, while he was playing a computer game all the time.
Not to mention those guys who take their fathers guns and kill randomly people in school or streets because they saw it in a game. Sick bastards.
It's not their fault, it's their parents fault or the whole society.
When i heard what Feky's doing on physics class, i laughed. They were building a device to fetch an egg. Supposing they were learning gravity and objects fragility on senior year of high school.
And i hate (negatively) strange people, living in their own worlds, doing weird things, talking nonsense and not accepting any of advices from people who wants to help them to be normal. Not normal, normal can't be defined anymore, just to be smart, to know how to take care for themselves and to know how to fit in a social environment, cuz there's no life without interaction, to behave for God's sake.
Posted by Sulle at 8:11 PM 1 comments
Category: life
Friday, September 5, 2008
Dear Tree, I respect you
H'okay. So, Google Chrome is out.
Reading some of the reviews on [es] i decided not to download it. Maybe I'll try the final version.
I love Opera but the new release lags a lot, it's probably cuz my windowz is full of shit. I hate it, reinstall is the only solution but I'm too lazy for that. Fuck the OS if it can't take care for itself. Ubuntu rulz, but the ISP-s in my town suck, they're really unstable so I have to stick with the shitty windows.
Also, this year we're learning PASCAL on IT class! How stupid is that? Explanation to "why are we learning pascal?" was :"Some people (stupid gheyz in ministry of education) believe that pascal is a good language to learn programming". It's useless! Why the fuck are we learning something which we'll probably forget in 3 months. I hate my education, it's so stupid. Shitloads of useless shit.
School started, damn. First week is over, 15 more to the next vacation.
Today on chemistry class the professor said:"First living beings were plants, so when you see a tree outdoors, respect it." No more National Geographic for you.
But I think she's wrong, first living creatures were bacterias and amoebas which were sent by Martians when their planet was destroyed from pollution and they went to the outer space. Pretend you didn't read this here, NASA will crucify me.
Feky went to usa for a year, exchange students organisation.
He said that is different there, everybody believes in God, they don't walk, they're ugly and bright skin, no talking about sex, alcohol, drugs and violence, stupid Chuck Norris jokes are fun to them, school is easy and fun, stupid reminders everywhere (like "don't put your jacket on a fire extinguisher"), suma sumarum - it's an opposite to Serbia. No freedom, but good (living in stupidity) life.
Wouldn't trade with him for nothing.
Posted by Sulle at 3:42 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
Ghey shit
I was just exploring the global stupidity on the web, and i found this.
Normally i don't express my personal opinions, but hey, it's my blog.
It doesn't surprise me that mighty m$ has it's own gay organisation (cuz their OS's r ghey either), but why should people glorify something what is not normal, better say sick. Is it really worth attention? If they (or you) think that promoting their (or yours) sickness to the World through international companies or something else make people think that homosexuality is normal thing? I don't think so. It's a brain damage, better say hormone disorder. Shame on you, cure yourselves.
Posted by Sulle at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Category: life
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
HDR or High Dynamic Range Imaging is a relatively new thing in digital world, but it was developed in the '30s and '40s.
I discovered it this mourning, and i had to try it. All you have to do is to make 3 images with different exposures, and mess a little bit with settings and you'll get a masterpiece. Probably the best tool to do this is Photomatix. You can try it for free.
I'm amazed what you can do with photos, even if they're really poor quality like so:
and HDR
Posted by Sulle at 12:37 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Boot screen
I suffered last night to set a different boot screen on my windowz. I found a uber lame h4x program (with GUI!), BootSkin. It's easy to figure out and look what i made:
From this image->
To this->
And a video:
Yesterday on IT class was really dramatic show :o
We had a homework to draw a fish tank in Corel Draw over winter holiday. And of course i didn't do it, as the other 3 male friends at my group. My excuse was:
- Professor, i couldn't install corel draw, i use linux and it can't be ran on it.
- That's no excuse!!!11
- :o
- If you really wanted to do something, you will do it! No matter what, you will finished it!
And i got the worst mark.
Well, let's see that from a different angle.
First of all, she didn't gave as Corel. Her excuse was:"Why didn't you asked me?"
Hm, let me see. If i asked her, she would gave me a illegal copy of corel. So what then?
Our school has nearly 40-50 computers. So that's nearly 40-50 illegal copy's of windows OS. All computers are full of piracy software as well. So, we all have to be criminals to receive education.
We can just call the government and say:"Yo bitchez, our sch00l is full of shitzord!! Come here and shut it down! Of course, leave us 10% of benefits from illegal software penalty." - and it will probably work, we will become famous and rich, and our school will be 'out of service', but best of all, our brain damaged IT professor will be unemployed ^^
Posted by Sulle at 8:36 PM 2 comments